Real estate appraisal

Using the Property Valuation Act (LBG) or the RICS red book
• comparative value method
• Income approach
• Material procedure
• Residual value method

Real estate appraisal in Austria

Property appraisal gives the owner a significant advantage in setting the desired price for the sale of real estate or rental payments.

There are circumstances in which an assessment is indispensable:
• in a bank – when receiving a loan,
• in tax – when declaring the market value of property
• in court – when filing a lawsuit against a construction company, in divorce proceedings, in a dispute about inheritance
• when determining the value of business assets
• when buying real estate – if you need an objective assessment of the object
• at a mandatory auction

Objects of assessment

• houses, apartments
• apartment buildings and condominiums
• office and commercial buildings, shopping centers
• parking lots, gas stations, hotels
• land

Comparative cost method (Vergleichswertverfahren)

• houses, apartments

The most popular, accurate and simple way to determine the market price is comparison. Use it mainly before sale. The value of a property is determined by comparing it with a recently sold property of the same size and with similar equipment. The main conditions are the comparability of the compared characteristics and the same region. When calculating, the following factors are additionally taken into account:

  • location, soil quality, infrastructure
  • design, floor, building type, equipment quality
  • remaining service life
  • environmental impact
  • purpose and legal restrictions
  • proximity to busy highways, noise, neighbors, etc.
    Expert commissions help appraisers and sworn experts to choose objects for comparison. It is to their regional committees that notaries transmit price statistics for all purchases, inheritances, gifts and sales, including at auctions.

Акт оценки недвижимости

В акте оценки недвижимости указывают:

– цель и дату оценки, дату визита на объект недвижимости

выводы с подробным указанием рассмотренных характеристик имущества. Правовые и другие параметры, имеющие отношение к оценке

– цену, метод, используемый для расчета и причины его выбора.

Стоимость услуги

Стоимость услуги зависит от категории, величины, сложности объекта.

Отправьте свой запрос и мы обязательно свяжемся с вами

С уважением,

Alexander Schlader, MBA MRICS CIS ImmoZert

T: +43 699 113 984 96